Dear Customer:
Our industry is currently experiencing many challenges due, in part, to the combined after-effects of the Covid-19 crisis and Brexit. Recent significant and frequent changes in the costs of ocean freight, domestic transport and many additional factors are, unfortunately, severely impacting the cost and logistics of sourcing many products.
We always endeavour to provide the most competitive prices for our products. However, we will need to increase the prices of many products in line with the rising costs. To best support you, our valued customer, we will make every effort to limit these price increases as much as possible.
In this volatile market, many associated costs are changing with every shipment we receive. Consequently, we may have to change some prices with little or no notice. Please also be aware that some products may change price more frequently as the associated costs change.
We wish to thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding during this challenging trading environment. We hope that we can continue to work together to meet these challenges successfully.
Starry Mart
Starry Mart星集市一直致力于让客户以最合理的价格购买到最优质的产品和最贴心的服务。尽管我们通过各种方式希望从内部控制成本,但还是无法克服由于产品价格上涨带来的成本压力。因此,为保证给一直以来支持我们的客人提供一如既往优质的服务,我们将在尽可能控制涨幅的情况下进行产品提价。
感谢您在目前充满挑战和不确定性的市场环境下,一直对Starry Mart星集市的理解与支持。
Starry Mart 星集市