Let's Make Cuty Halloween Spider Cookie

Do you even wonder if you can do Halloween recipes in just 5 minutes?! 

Let's make these kawaii spider biscuits with your family!


Oreo Cookie Birthday Cake Flavour               Several Pieces

Hsufuchi Marshmallow Grape Flavour          Several Pieces

Glico Pocky – Tasty (JP)                                      Several Pieces


Step 1

To begin, break 4 Glico pocky into 8 equal individual pieces for spider legs. 

Step 2

Split one marshmallow into two for spider eyes. Use a finger to press the marshmallows flat
above of Oreo biscuit

Step 3

Insert 4 of the individual pieces directly into the cream layer on each side of each cookie. 


And, All DONE!

Let’s do it with your family, friends or your loved one!

Wishing you a wonderful Halloween!